


Eileen was scheduled for her fourth knee surgery when she met Lyonel in 2018 and was experiencing constant, almost unbearable pain in her knees that had caused her to gain a lot of unwanted weight. 

She was always active throughout her life and doctors told her it was likely the cause behind her no longer being able to do lunges, squats and that she needed multiple surgeries to no longer be in pain. 

Lyonel told her to hold off on surgery #4 and instead, work with him for a few months in order to fix the issue. 

One month later, after correcting her movement patterns and making her stronger – her knee pain was completely gone and that 4th knee surgery never took place. 

She also lost body fat – which is a great bonus! But at that point losing weight paled in comparison to all of the other improvements and activities she could do once again without pain. 

After experiencing this literally life changing transformation with Lyonel, she became a certified coach, gym assistant and his administrative right hand.  

There’s nothing she enjoys more than helping new clients and witnessing them overcome the physical adversities and enjoy life at a level they no longer thought possible – just like her!

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