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LyonStrong story

Discover the LyonStrong Difference

The LyonStrong team GUARANTEES you will be free of pain in your knees, back, shoulder, elbows or anywhere else in your body and doing the things you love in as soon as 14 days – even if you’re not in Miami with us!

This is something we’ve done for over 2,127 clients – no matter their age, weight, background, injury, previous surgeries, etc. 

After using the LyonStrong approach, they were all able to eliminate their pain and LIVE at a level they never thought would be possible without surgery.


What happens when a fitness coach focuses on how you MOVE in every waking moment instead of only how you move in the gym? You FEEL incredible – actually better after every workout – and you’re able to safely push yourself harder doing what you love without sacrificing your short or long term physical comfort to do it. Even better – you can finally sustain that progress without backsliding into pain and injury. And then you blow past that progress to reach physical milestones you never dreamed of dreaming. Because your body moves like you’re 18 years old again and you can do anything because you won’t break. Lyonel has a proven approach unlike anyone else in the fitness industry that he’s perfected over 37 years helping over 2,127 clients aged 3 to 93 avoid surgery, further injury and pain. 

Our completely customized approach focuses on the way YOU move to get you pain free results by blending over 20+ different fitness modalities and cherry picking from each to create a program personalized to your goals and body that you’ve likely never experienced before. And the difference in results and how you feel is astonishing. That’s the biggest difference with Lyonel – he doesn’t preach only one way because every form of fitness has its merits. And you see the most powerful results when those merits are combined into the way that works best for you. 

You’ll discover how to sit better (yes you’re probably sitting in a way that’s causing you pain and injury without realizing it), walk and stand better. You’ll leave understanding the way your body moves and how to adjust it so you just FEEL better in every movement you make. When you’re done working with us, you’ll have joints of steel connected by teflon tissue (metaphorically speaking) – something no other fitness coach focuses on. As a result, any pains you currently have whether it’s knee, back, shoulder or something else will be eliminated. And you’ll effortlessly be able to do all the things you love again…without limits.

We’re not over-exaggerating – check out our client stories to see for yourself. 

If you’re looking to become injury proof and pain-free, Lyonel can help you in person or remote. Fill out the contact form and we will contact you promptly!

To your health,



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