No matter which program you choose, you will experience the below 3 phases as we work with you:

Phase 1:

Your Custom Roadmap

The first step in customizing your program is the assessment that shows where you’re starting physically, nutritionally and with your mindset. This data is crucial to creating your custom program that will allow you to achieve your goals, become injury proof and pain free without guesswork.


Phase 2:

Experiencing Pain Relief

Uncovering the source of your injury/pain and solving it FIRST with powerful restorative exercises you do with our team and at home. This phase will quickly provide you an immense amount of pain relief in your day to day life.

Phase 3:

Becoming Injury Proof

After phase 1 and 2 you’re experiencing significant pain relief and increased mobility. Now, you’ll strengthen your body with a potent combination of restorative and dynamic exercises that continue to be modified as you progress. The focus here is on functional strength that makes you injury proof and, as a result, pain free in every waking moment.

All programs (both virtual & in person) include: 

  • In depth assessment with immediate action steps to pain relief 
  • 3-5x/week custom-to-you training based on your physical ability that continue to adjust to increase your strength as you progress
  • Take home custom-to-you trainings that will accelerate your progress
  • Custom-to-you nutrition – NOT a diet – that continues to adjust as you progress
  • Nothing we do is a one-size-fits-all and will continue optimizing as you improve 
  • Access to Lyonel’s team as things come up
  • A minimum of 16 weeks required 

Which Level Program Should You Choose?

No matter the program level you choose when working with Lyonel and his team, you’re guaranteed to become pain free and injury proof.  The main difference between the program levels we offer is how much one-on-one access you have to Lyonel and his team. The more one-on-one access to Lyonel and his team – the faster you become pain free and injury proof. 

Book a discovery session with us here to find out which program is best for you! 

In addition to the elements included with all programs, you get the below differences depending on the program you choose:

Private 1:1

The most access to Lyonel and his team. This includes 3x/week hands-on training with Lyonel and his team and additional custom training for home. You’ll do exercises and movements unavailable in the small group program. You can also attend group training if desired.
(remote, in person or hybrid available)

Small Group Program

In an intimate group of no larger than 10 people, you’ll do a powerful combination of restorative and dynamic exercises while becoming pain free and injury proof together. Lyonel’s team adjusts all exercises for you based on your ability as you progress.
(remote, in person or hybrid available)

100% Virtual Program

5x/week training with at least 3x/week recommended. Lyonel will provide custom adjustments based on your limitations/ability as you progress.


Please note: A hybrid option of group and one-on-one can be available to make things more cost effective depending on your current physical and financial situation.

Becoming Injury Proof Miami Retreat Program

This is the ideal option for someone who doesn’t live in Miami but wants FAST results. The program is designed to accelerate your progress with a powerful combination of in person intensives and virtual training. 

Kicking things off with a weekend intensive, you’ll immediately feel improvements and changes in your body and leave feeling invigorated and empowered.

Included with this program: 

  • Full assessment 
  • Full movement pattern analysis 
  • Powerful combination of restorative and dynamic exercises custom created for you based on your current injuries and pain 
  • 5 day in person hands on intensive in Miami with Lyonel and his team – you leave feeling DRASTICALLY better
  • 1 hands on weekend (3 days, 2 nights) in person with Lyonel and his team in Miami every 60 days 
  • 2-3 hours training with Lyonel each day you’re here 
  • Car pick up and drop off transportation to and from the airport 
  • Stay in our beautiful Miami Ranch Retreat near the gym 
  • Private chef who kicks off your custom nutrition with fresh, personally cooked meals each day you’re here 
  • Fully stocked fridge with groceries that fit your goals and dietary restrictions 
  • A custom travel plan in Miami for the time you’re not in the gym including recommendations and reservations done for you
  • Dinner with Lyonel in Miami (optional)
  • Take-home recordings of YOUR custom workouts, YOUR adjustments and YOUR feedback (not Lyonel’s pre-recorded versions) to continue progress at home
  • 2x/month virtual meetings with Lyonel to adjust and improve as you progress even faster
  • Daily access to Lyonel via email and/or voxer 
  • A minimum of 16 weeks required