


Born in Haiti with tight dreads reaching mid-back, Lyonel is not your average Miami fitness coach – that’s why your results with him are far from average as well.

His fitness journey started when he was 16 years old after graduating from high school and becoming the go-to guy for getting fit. 

Over the next four decades he would grow and develop his skill set in the US Army, as a track & field coach, Soccer coach, Rowing coach, Volleyball coach, Football coach and gaining 20+ certifications in other forms of fitness and nutrition. 

As a constant student of every form of fitness, Lyonel’s breadth of knowledge and experience gives him a unique set of techniques to help you FEEL better no matter your age or background. 

Always one to do things differently, Lyonel quickly realized he wasn’t interested in the standard gym owner’s dream to step away from his gym while it made money auto charging members $100/month without him. 

He finds it far more fulfilling to take an active role in helping his clients avoid surgery and do all the physical things they’ve been told they will never be able to do again, like he was told by his doctors after he got hit by a car in 2008. If they could only see him now! 😉

Clients know him for telling it like it is – he will never bullshit you and has worked with enough clients to know when you’re bullshitting him and will call you on it. 

He coaches with a motivating mixture of grace, understanding, hard work and knowledge that gets you results and deeper understanding of your body and how it works. 

Everyone who works with him inevitably improves physically as well as mentally once they realize how interconnected the two really are.

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