What happens when a fitness coach focuses on how you MOVE in every waking moment instead of only how you move in the gym? You FEEL incredible – actually better after every workout – and you’re able to safely push yourself harder doing what you love without sacrificing your short or long term physical comfort to do it. Even better – you can finally sustain that progress without backsliding into pain and injury. And then you blow past that progress to reach physical milestones you never dreamed of dreaming. Because your body moves like you’re 18 years old again and you can do anything because you won’t break. Lyonel has a proven approach unlike anyone else in the fitness industry that he’s perfected over 37 years helping over 2,127 clients aged 3 to 93 avoid surgery, further injury and pain. 

Our completely customized approach focuses on the way YOU move to get you pain free results using Master Body Mechanic principles and blending over 20+ different fitness modalities and cherry picking from each to create a program personalized to your goals and body that you’ve likely never experienced before. And the difference in results and how you feel is astonishing. That’s the biggest difference with Lyonel – he doesn’t preach only one way because every form of fitness has its merits. And you see the most powerful results when those merits are combined into the way that works best for you. 

You’ll discover how to sit better (yes you’re probably sitting in a way that’s causing you pain and injury without realizing it), walk and stand better. You’ll leave understanding the way your body moves and how to adjust it so you just FEEL better in every movement you make. When you’re done working with us, you’ll have joints of steel connected by teflon tissue (metaphorically speaking) – something no other fitness coach focuses on. As a result, any pains you currently have whether it’s knee, back, shoulder or something else will be eliminated. And you’ll effortlessly be able to do all the things you love again…without limits.

We’re not over-exaggerating – check out our client stories to see for yourself. 

If you’re looking to become injury proof and pain-free, Lyonel can help you in person or remote. The first step will be booking a discovery call here

Below are just a couple of the techniques Lyonel uses with all ages to improve your fitness, mobility and pain.

Mace Training & Mace Flow Training

Steel mace training, Steel mace flow and mace & club training are all some of the oldest forms of fitness (we’re talking medieval) that are becoming popular again. The uneven weight distribution elongates your spine and builds an incredible functional strength as your body moves connected as a whole system instead of only legs, arms, back, etc.

This is a crucial piece of making you injury proof. Other benefits of mace training for fitness include opening up joints and spine instead of compressing them (like weight training), increasing blood flow and mobility. As a bonus, you look like a badass doing it – check out the video!

Stick Mobility

This is not about touching your toes to your head (you can actually cause a lot of injury with that). Stick mobility principles are based on building your connective tissues so you are able to do more difficult movements without pain. It’s different from flexibility but more directly creates the results people are looking to achieve when they talk about flexibility.

These are only 2 of the 20+ ways Lyonel helps you become pain-free – follow us on Instagram, join both of our Facebook Groups: LyonStrong Legacy Group and Success Trains Here or check out our blog to see more.

Functional & Aesthetic

A lot of workouts today completely miss the opportunity to build USEFUL strength that actually helps them in their daily life. 

Because when all you focus on is safely lifting really heavy weight, you’re not setting yourself up for a pain free life. 

That’s setting you up for a pain free time at the GYM – not in life – and your body is so far from injury proof. 

We’re all actually born with the ability to move perfectly.

But because we don’t MOVE enough today, we forgot how.  

And unconsciously start moving in patterns that weaken our bodies over time like ocean waves slowly sanding away rocks for years until our bodies crack, tear and break. 

That’s why everything Lyonel does with you is focused on TWO things: 

  1. Reaching your physical goals 
  2. Making you injury proof with true functional strength you use 24/7 – not just in the gym

Strong Mind, Strong Body

You can probably tell by now that working with Lyonel is…different than any other fitness coach you’ve worked with in the past. 

You’ll FEEL better in every moment of your life, have less pain than ever before, and become injury proof…

…But one of Lyonel’s most powerful methods is one that most fitness enthusiasts overlook – mental strength. 

Your brain and body are so interconnected it’s impossible not to work with them both at once. 

So, as you achieve things you never believed you could physically – you will also overcome things mentally you never knew you could. 

Like any fitness Lyonel helps you with – this is all based on what benefits you most, based on your goals and where you are now.


Lyonel is a certified nutritionist but he’s no extremist. 

He’s been doing this for 40 years so he understands it’s often the most difficult piece for people to incorporate in their injury proof plans.

For that reason, he uses a gradual approach for sustainable results that comfortably fit in your life.

There will be no all or nothing sacrifice of foods you love when working on your nutrition together. 

But you will feel relief from foods that cause pain and inflammation without you realizing it.

Interested in becoming injury proof with Lyonel? Click here to schedule a quick 15 minute chat

Please note: Before working with anyone, Lyonel requires you take an in depth assessment so he knows exactly whether it’s a fit to reach your goals together.