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The difference between “can” and “how”

Imagine how different your life would be if instead of asking yourself:

“Can I do that?” …

You asked yourself:

“HOW can I do that?”

  • How many more opportunities would you go after?
  • How many new things would you try?
  • How many more possibilities would you see for your life?

It’s wild how one tiny word can shift your perspective.

Adding the “how” immediately puts you into action mode.

Don’t believe me? Try this:

You know that one goal you’ve been secretly thinking about?

What if instead of thinking, “Can I [whatever your goal is]?”

  • Can I lose 10 pounds?
  • Can I get out of pain?
  • Can I get off my BP meds?

Ask yourself: “How can I [whatever your goal is]?”

  • How can I lose 10 pounds?
  • How can I get out of pain?
  • How can I get off my BP meds?

Almost immediately, your brain will start coming up with solutions and ways you can bring it to life.

Now, the next question is: when are you going to get started?! 😉

There’s no time like RIGHT NOW!

Committed to Your Success,

Lyonel Lumarque

PS: If your “when” is “right now!” — and you want to know exactly how, we can show you! Book a call with. me HERE.

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