Let’s be honest: saying “no” to family or friends this time of year is tough.
Whether it’s:
- Saying “no thanks” to food you don’t want to eat at holiday parties
- Skipping late-night drinks to stay fresh for the next day
- Or passing on commitments to prioritize rest
… it’s not always easy to protect your time, energy, and routines.
If you can relate… you’re definitely not alone.
That said, enjoying the season doesn’t mean you have to abandon all of your goals.
Heading into the season with a clear sense of your “non-negotiables” (and where you’re open to flexibility) can help you keep your balance.
For example, maybe getting to sleep by 10 is a non-negotiable…
But maybe you’re willing to pick one or two weekends for holiday parties and staying out late.
It’s all about balance!
And if you’re struggling to communicate your boundaries around your non-negotiables?
Some phrases I like to use are:
- “I’d love to, but I’ve got some things I need to take care of first. Let’s catch up soon!”
- “That looks delicious, but X doesn’t agree with my stomach.”
- “I’m going to head out a bit early tonight so I can get a good start tomorrow.”
- “I’d love to join, but I’m going to take some time to recharge. Let’s plan something for later!”
- “This looks great, but I’m going to pass for now!”
You might disappoint someone by saying “no,” but honoring what you need is just as important as any holiday plan.
The season is about joy and connection…
And that includes joy and connection with yourself, too. You’ve got this.
Committed to your success,
Lyonel Lumarque