How much more would you enjoy getting your workouts in if you treated them like a game?
What if you set up a reward system for yourself? Or points? Or even fun “consequences” — like owing yourself an extra 5 minutes of meditation if you miss a workout or giving up your favorite show for the night if you skip meal prep?
The point is…
What if you made it FUN?

Studies even back this up…
In fact, one study found that gamifying goals helped participants increase their levels of physical activity — even 8 weeks after the study was finished!
So if you’re working on getting in more movement, think about one way you can turn it into a game this week.
It doesn’t have to be complicated — just something that brings a little joy to your day 🙂
I’d love to hear what you come up with, so feel free to hit reply and share!
Committed to your success,
Lyonel Lumarque
P.S. You might be surprised how much you look forward to [workouts and making meals] when you take the pressure off! If you want help figuring out other ways to make this process more enjoyable for you, grab a spot on my calendar HERE