The good news: caffeine can be healthy and actually good for you … as long as you don’t drink too much of it.
For most adults, that’s about 400 mg (or 4 cups of coffee) according to the FDA, although some people are more sensitive to it than others.
BUT … here’s the thing: caffeine is actually addictive.
Have you ever missed a day and wondered how you were going to make it all the way until bedtime before you fell asleep?
Or got a crushing headache because you skipped your morning coffee? Ugh.
PLUS … did you know that studies show drinking too much coffee in the morning is directly linked to feeling tired later in the day?
No good.
If you find yourself RELYING on coffee, tea, or energy drinks to get through the day, it might be time to rethink your routine so that caffeine becomes an “extra” instead of a crutch.
A routine that includes:
- Healthy, energy-promoting foods (lean proteins, fruits & veggies, healthy fats, etc.)
- Fresh air & sunshine
- Workouts
You CAN regain control over your energy and vitality. It starts by taking ACTION.
Our LyonStrong Hybrid Program is designed to help you feel stronger, confident, pain-free and injury proof. with functional workouts and delicious foods. Want to know more? Click HERE to book a quick call.
Make it a great day!
Lyonel Lumarque