Research shows that about 40% of older adults have at least one age-related digestive problem every year!
That includes constipation … reflux … sensitivities to certain foods … ulcers … polyps … and more.
Plus, as we age it’s common for our digestive systems to slow down, which can exacerbate other problems!
Here are some steps you can take to keep your digestive system happier, as well as some things you can ask your doctor about during your next visit.
- Get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. This can help with constipation and cut your risk of colon cancer.
- Make sure you get enough fiber by eating veggies, fruits, legumes, and whole grains as part of your everyday diet. These can keep you regular.
- If you’re taking meds (including blood pressure meds or over-the-counter NSAIDs) and are having digestive issues, talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist. Some BP meds are linked with constipation, while NSAIDs can cause ulcers.
- Maintain a healthy weight. This can help prevent health problems that crop up as we age, from high blood pressure to diabetes and heart disease. Fewer health issues generally mean fewer meds, which means fewer digestion-related side effects like constipation.
- Drink water. Slowed digestion can mean more water gets absorbed from food waste, leading to constipation.
- Pay attention to how you feel after eating. If you notice you feel bloated, gassy, or constipated, look for what foods might be triggering it. Ask your doc about it.
- Ask your doctor about supplementing with digestive enzymes to help boost your digestion.
Keeping your digestive system in good operating order is so important because it processes the food you eat, ensuring you get all the nutrients you need to stay fit, strong, and healthy!
If you are ready to make some real change in your healthy habits, we can help. Click on the following link to see if we make a good fit: https://new.onboardme.io/survey/16961/pre-qualification-form
It’s aimed at people just like you – people who want the best for their health.
Hope you have a great day!
Lyonel Lumarque