Years ago Lyonel and I worked together as business associates, and also trained in the gym together. We both had a passion for fitness, and he also had a keen awareness of my strengths and weaknesses both at work and in the gym. We both moved away from Honolulu but still stayed connected.
Several months ago he mentioned he was training “differently”, and was loving the results. Even after seeing the before and after photos, I was still skeptical and continued with my usual workout routine at my gym. It was about 4 months later that I called Lyonel. I was frustrated with where I was at physically, still training hard but not seeing any results in my trouble areas. I was finally ready for a change.
I also explained how I wasn’t sure if I’d continue personal training as a side business. I was beginning to feel complacent about it, and thought about quitting in a few months. He listened, and then went back to the matter of working out.
Within a minute, he outlined a simple and modified workout program for me, which I tried the following day. Since we don’t live in the same state, I called him the following day, explained how I nearly died, and couldn’t believe how short yet intense the workout was. On the phone, we discussed the next program, which I tried the next day. Once again, it was short and intense, and I was starting to like this new program.
After each workout, we’d discuss how I did, how my body felt, and also what I thought. I was doing okay, but more importantly I was beginning to feel excited again about training. Each time we’d talk, I began to see how he envisioned my end result, and that just added more fuel to the fire. His wealth of knowledge and continuous encouragement really changed my mindset, and I just felt motivated to do my best every time.
I am still at the beginning of my new journey, but what I’ve really begun to appreciate about Lyonel is his approach. That our health and fitness is connected to all other vital aspects of our life: our business, our relationships, our families, etc. While he was helping me rekindle my passion for exercise and fitness, he also reminded me of my many strengths in other things that I was passionate about, helping me realize that my potential in these other areas of my life were limitless.
With a fresh outlook on training, I’m taking my clients on a completely different journey, challenging them even more, training alongside them so they’re driven and motivated. Realizing how music is a huge part of who I am, I’m focused on expanding my skills as a musician and singer, and taking opportunities head on.
Sometimes we don’t realize the wealth we’re sitting on until someone comes along and reminds us. Lyonel has an uncanny ability to read people, knows what drives them, sees their potential even when they don’t see it themselves, and makes them believe what he already knows for a fact: that we can accomplish anything we want. I’ve had the privilege of working with Lyonel over the years, and am truly grateful that this close friend of mine continues to coach me through this journey called life.