Nutrition Make this for dinner this week!You probably already know that omega-3 fats are great for your heart and brain ... …Lyonel LumarqueApril 12, 2020
The Basics Your secret “second brain” no one talks aboutYour enteric nervous system is made up of layers of cells (more than 100 million of…Lyonel LumarqueApril 9, 2020
The Basics What are the bugs in your gut eating?So many times we just focus on how what we eat affects our weight. But…Lyonel LumarqueApril 5, 2020
Nutrition You have 4 pounds of THIS in your gutYou have about 100 trillion (!!!) microbes living in your gut right now. And there…Lyonel LumarqueApril 2, 2020
Happy ClientsShoulder Pain CLIENT SPOTLIGHT – Lynn JohnsonLynn is 64 years old. She has no children, but gets to torture her 6…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 30, 2020
Nutrition When you don’t trust your bodyOne of the biggest fears people have when they start out with intuitive eating is…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 26, 2020
Happy Clients CLIENT SPOTLIGHT – Karla MorgaloKarla is about to turn 50 years old! Happy Birthday, Karla!! 🎈 She is a Systems Engineer…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 23, 2020
Tips Should you eat that slice of pizza?One of the reasons I’ve been talking about intuitive eating this month is that it…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 22, 2020
The Basics I tried intuitive eating and this is what happenedFor years, one of my secret favorite treats has been donut holes. They are small,…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 19, 2020
Nutrition Why we eat when we’re stressed …Emotional eating is a real “thing” for a lot of us. It only makes sense,…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 17, 2020