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Not all actions are created equal

By August 24, 2024No Comments

šŸ‘‰ What is the ā€œminimum doseā€ you can implement to start seeing results? 

Sometimes, doing less ā€” but doing it consistently ā€” can be far more effective than trying to do everything at once. 

For example, itā€™s the difference between: 

  • Overhauling your entire diet (huge effort) vs. adjusting your portion sizes (ā€œminimum doseā€)
  • Only drinking water (huge effort) vs. cutting back on sugary sodas (ā€œminimum doseā€)
  • Committing to working out 5 days a week for an hour (huge effort) vs. starting with 3 days a week for 30 minutes (ā€œminimum doseā€)

See the difference? 

And most importantlyā€¦

Do you FEEL the difference? 

What if you focused more of your energy on being consistent with these ā€œminimum doseā€ actionsā€¦

And once youā€™re knocking those out of the park, ramping up from there?

Iā€™ve found that this is one of the best ways to start to get momentumā€¦

And eventually over time, all those ā€œhuge effortsā€ start to come naturally.

Want help figuring out what this all looks like for you? 

I have a few spaces left in my LyonStrong Training Program, where Iā€™ll help you become the badass you always envisioned yourself to be.

Grab a spot on my calendar HERE to learn more!Ā 

Committed to your success,

Lyonel Lumarque