First, a little background. You know stress isn’t good for you, right? That includes feeling lonely and disconnected.
Well, research shows that chronic stress impacts you right down to the cellular level, making you more susceptible to dangerous chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer.
That’s because stress seems to contribute to shortening the “caps” on the ends of your DNA (called telomeres), which play a major role in the aging process.
Longer telomeres = longevity!
Scientists say you can start protecting your telomeres right now by living a healthy lifestyle by focusing on eating plant-based foods and exercising regularly.
But that’s not why I am sending this email.
Here’s the cool part …
Your social connections also play a major role! Especially positive relationships that help you feel supported. They are also associated with longer telomeres!
Is it time to get together for a game night with your besties?
If this is an area you struggle with because you don’t have any nearby social connections, here are some ideas:
- Join a walking group or book club in your community
- Find a fitness studio/group, like LyonStrong that caters to people like you (same age, interests, etc.), and build a new network based on shared goals
- Take a class (in person if at all possible) to learn a new hobby or skill that you’ve been wanting to try.
On top of being a great stress-busting outlet for you, it might also help improve your long-term health!
Make it an amazing day,
Lyonel Lumarque
PS: f you want to boost your workout/wellness game, click on the following link to see if we make a good fit: https://new.onboardme.io/survey/16961/pre-qualification-form