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Happy ClientsKnee Pain


By April 13, 2020July 20th, 2021No Comments

Eileen Machin is 45 yrs old. She is married to Javier Machin – they’ve been together for 19 years. She has a step-son that is 21 years old, 2 daughters, that are 13 and 16 years old, a black lab who is 6 yrs old and a Cockatiel they found in front of their home almost a year ago. 

Before having her firstborn in 2003, she worked in advertising for 10 years. She stopped working to raise her daughter and then opened up her business as a virtual assistant in 2006. She gave birth to her second daughter in 2007. Within that time she was also a personal cook for 3 years until her daughter started kindergarten. Then she gained an awesome international insurance broker as her main client for 5 years until he retired.

Eileen has had 3 knee surgeries in her lifetime – she tore her ACL and meniscus in both knees exactly one year apart in 2000 and 2001 while adventure racing and mountain biking. On Jan.1st 2015, she messed up her meniscus again in both of her knees, while simply walking her dog, so she had to have surgery.. again. She already had one of the surgeries done and was getting ready to schedule the next one.

Since she was in pain 24 hrs a day, she was not able to run or do anything active without having to deal with severe pain for the next few weeks. She was putting on weight and was beginning to feel depressed. She wasn’t feeling like her normal self, so she had to do something about it. She’s always loved working out and trying different things, but her knees were holding her back and she was getting desperate. On top of it, her main client, the international insurance broker, had just retired, so she client-less and was having trouble finding a new one.

She found Lyonel while scrolling on Facebook one day. She’s always preferred working out at home and doing her own thing, but at this point, because of her knees, she was lacking motivation and was scared to keep injuring herself. So when she saw Lyonel in the ad, she thought he looked like a cool guy and felt compelled to give it a shot. She decided to try something completely new. Why not? She had nothing to lose. 

So she set up her appointment with Lyonel and met with him for 3 hours the next day. They hit it off. She told Lyonel all about what she can’t do anymore, and Lyonel told her to give him a few months and to postpone her 4th knee surgery. He said he would have her moving and feeling much better if she put in the work. That was music to her ears. How could she resist?

Lyonel was looking for an assistant at the time, so when he found out she was a virtual assistant, he said, “There are no coincidences – we were supposed to meet.” He gave her an ultimatum. He said that if she completed the 6-week challenge, he would hire her to work for him. He wanted her to learn the LyonStrong culture and he wanted to make sure she wanted to be a part of it. 3 weeks into the challenge, Lyonel asked her what she thought about it, but she was already sold! It was one of the best decisions she’s ever made in her life. So it’s 2 years later, and she doesn’t even know where the time went. 

Eileen says that working out at LyonStrong has been easy for her. She never thinks, “Ugh! I gotta work out.” She gets up as soon as her alarm goes off at 5am to get ready to go. She appreciates the fact that she can now run, do box jumps, squat properly, and even work on her coordination without suffering the next few weeks. She has developed some great relationships at the gym, especially with her morning crew. Eileen says that her usual trainer, Antuan Trujillo is awesome! She says he is patient, kind and very knowledgeable. She loves learning from him and she trusts him, which is very important. She believes that Anutan’s coaching of the Functional Patterns style of training at LyonStrong has really benefited her in ways that no other style of training could have.

She’s also taking the Mace Flow classes with Lyonel. She loves it so much that she already bought her own mace and can’t wait for it to arrive. She says you do a lot of lunges while you’re flowing with the Mace, something she couldn’t do any more before she met Lyonel. Now, she appreciates every lunge and squat that is thrown her way (even though she has always hated lunges). Eileen thinks that training with Lyonel is always so much fun. He’s always dancing and laughing, even though he takes his craft very seriously. When you go to LyonStrong, you know you’re always going to have a good time!

Her knees started feeling better after a few months like Lyonel told her they would. She never scheduled her surgery – she doesn’t need to anymore. Getting back to running was definitely baby steps. But now she’s even doing sprints with absolutely no pain afterward. Eileen says she feels like she can now take on the world. It’s amazing how much exercise can positively affect your mental state. She dropped a lot of the weight she had put on, but most importantly, she gained muscle mass, she feels much happier and has regained a whole lot of confidence.

Eileen says, “Lyonel has changed my life in so many ways. Not only is he my main client now, but he has given me the opportunity to do what I love in such an awesome environment. I get to work out and work where I workout. No excuses there, right? lol. I take working out as part of my job description.” She says she has never been so consistent in her life. The best part is that she never finds herself counting the days for her next day off. It’s the opposite, she looks forward to every day that she gets to go to LyonStrong, whether it be for work or to workout. 

“The best advice I can give someone who is just starting off is to stick with it. It’s always a little harder in the beginning, but once you start feeling those gains, you’ll never want to stop. There are no egos at LyonStrong. Everyone is there to help you, encourage you, and to get better for themselves – not to be better than anyone else. The workouts are designed for every level of fitness. You’ll meet people from all walks of life – it’s not a cookie-cutter gym. You will get inspired by people you least expect. It’s a huge eye-opener. I see people like Terry, Peter, Ralph, Margaret, Lynn, and Raquel, to name a few, and I want to be like them when I grow up! I never want to stop.

In being a virtual assistant, I have worked with many different companies and people throughout the years, so I’ve worked for all types of “bosses”. But what makes Lyonel stand out above them all is that he is so level-headed. I have seen him in situations where any other person would be extremely stressed out or in a bad mood that they would take it out on someone else – but not Lyonel. He knows how to handle himself and he knows how to keep going with a positive attitude and demeanor. One thing about Lyonel is that he will always find a way. He’s a hard worker – he’s not a quitter, and he has a kind heart. He has helped so many people, including myself, expecting nothing in return. That is inspiring to me, and that is something I can stand behind. All I know is that LyonStrong is top notch and I’m so proud of myself for taking the plunge when I did!” – Eileen Machin

Eileen’s Fun Facts:

Favorite Quote: 

Favorite Book: INXS – Story to Story: The Official Autobiography by INXS and Anthony Bozza (because INXS is her favorite band)

But she also loves “Many Minds, Many Masters” by Brian Weiss ( She finds it very interesting)

Favorite Workout Music: She likes alternative music or anything with a good beat.

Watching Eileen’s transformation has been so incredible for all of us here at LyonStrong!

Her smile, energy, positive attitude, willingness to try new things and help everyone around her has made her a joy to work with.

We are so grateful to be a part of her journey.

Lyonel Lumarque