Terry is 68 years old. She is the oldest of 7 kids. Terry convinced her mom, Margaret, to join the club, so to speak. So now she is one of Lyonel’s clients as well. (We will be spotlighting her soon.)
Terry and Peter MacNamara have been together for 50 years, and have been married for 42 years. They have 2 children together. Their children are grown. They are both lawyers, and married to nice people.
Terry is also a lawyer and was in practice for almost 40 years. For decades, while she was working full-time, she did pro bono work as a commercial litigator in a law firm for what was then called the Miami Art Museum, and is now the Perez Art Museum. Five years ago, the museum asked her to come in house full time and leave private practice, which is what she did. She recently celebrated her 5th year anniversary at the Perez Art Museum as general counsel.. her dream job!
Terry has a background in dance. She had never done anything weight related, although she was the arm wrestling champion on her floor during her freshman year in college. 💪
About 5 years ago, Terry was taking classes at Body and Soul when she met Lyonel. Her daughter was about to get married, and Terry wanted to fit into a particular dress, but she was unhappy with the way her arms looked, so she wanted to see if she could get with the program. Lyonel was willing to workout with her and her husband at night. She worked and still works long hours, and Lyonel was and is still willing to accommodate her, so then a great relationship began.
Before meeting Lyonel, Terry had tendonitis in one of her shoulders and a back that would occasionally give her trouble. Nothing that was debilitating, just something she accepted as a way of life. It didn’t interfere with her dancing, but as she would do her arm movements, she noticed that one shoulder was not quite with the program. Again, she accepted that as a way of life, but little did she know that would change.
Once she started training with Lyonel and following LyonStrong’s custom program for her, she started working out with specific bands and doing all kinds of things that would strengthen her. It was incremental. She didn’t really notice how strong she was getting until one day Lyonel was showing somebody how to do a particular movement, when all of a sudden she realized that she just did something she didn’t think she could do anymore. The idea was to strengthen up the whole body in order to do everyday things.
The light went on when she was traveling with her mother one day. Before she met Lyonel, she would always take her carry-on suitcase down the airplane aisle, and try to find some big strong guy to put the suitcase into the overhead compartment for her. But this time there was no one around, so she just grabbed her suitcase and threw it up there, and then grabbed her mother’s suitcase and threw it up there as well. Her mom, astonished, said: “Wow, you can do that!?!” To which Terry responded: “Thank you, Lyonel!” 😄 And that’s when it dawned on her that she had way more strength and mobility than she thought.
That is an example of the everyday things she can do now. She’s more self-reliant and she can do things without hurting herself. She feels like her body is much more resilient. Her shoulder is not an issue at all now. Her range of motion is far improved. She still dances at Body and Soul, and her arms are doing what they are supposed to be doing now. In the dance world it’s called, Port de Bras. So when she does her Port de Bras now, it actually looks normal.
In regards to her back, she feels that Lyonel is good at helping her be careful about her back and being smart at what she does – like telling her to use her legs instead of her back. And if she messes up on something, they stop right away. Lyonel helps her listen to her body, and he’s respectful when she feels like she needs to stop that particular exercise. Not that he doesn’t push her, because he sure does, but he knows that she’s not a slacker when she says that she needs to be careful with a particular movement. She feels like he’s really good about that, so that’s helpful. Overtime, her back got stronger, and she can now do things she couldn’t do before, and that’s a good thing!
Terry wants to continue doing this for as long as she can. Her husband and her teasingly say, “You better stay around for a long while Lyonel, because we plan to be here for a long time with your help.”
Terry says, “Give LyonStrong a try. You don’t know what you’re missing! I have never ever done work in a gym – I had only passed through the gym to go to my dance class. That was the entirety of my exposure. I was intimidated. But the intimidation was overcome by the need for the wedding. Otherwise, I would have continued doing what I was doing. So give it a try because this place is not intimidating. Lyonel is not intimidating, he is very welcoming. He is a task-master, but that’s good because he expects a lot from us and himself. And that’s what you want. You want somebody who is going to make you better and stronger instead of someone pussy-footing around and babying you. I don’t appreciate being babied, I like being challenged, so I’m at the right place for that! If you want to challenge yourself in a good way, go to LyonStrong!”
By the way, Terry ended up fitting into the dress for her daughter’s wedding. She was having dinner with a friend a couple of months after the wedding, and her friend wanted to see the pictures of the wedding. Terry showed her a picture of herself and her husband dancing. It’s a picture that Lyonel actually has on his wall. She looked at the picture and said, “Oh my God, you have arms! I want arms!” So Terry responded, “I know who can give you arms!” So now Terry’s friend has been with LyonStrong for about 4 years.
Favorite quote: “Anything that is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.” – Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Favorite Workout Music: She likes when Lyonel plays some of the classics, but because of her contemporary dance classes, she gets a kick out of listening to pretty much everything.
Favorite Book: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

Terry chuckles because she works with a number of young people who do Crossfit, and she can talk to them. They are pretty amazed when they talk about their workouts and stuff. At first they were a little dubious. But then Lyonel took a picture of Terry doing an overhead press one day and it was placed on her 65th birthday cake. She took the leftover cake to the office, and when they saw the picture of her on the cake with the barbell, they said, “OMG, She really can do this, and she’s got good form!” So it’s fun for Terry. She now has something very much in common with people who are probably 35 or 40 years younger than her, and she shares that goal of being their best selves.
Terry is proof that even without ever working out in a gym before, with consistency and hard work, you can make your goals a reality!
Watching Terry’s transformation has been extremely pleasurable.
Her desire to learn new things, her determination to continue on her health and fitness journey, and her wonderful attitude has truly been an inspiration.
I am so grateful to be a part of her life.
Lyonel Lumarque