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Hitting the “mute” button

I’m not talking about putting your phone on silent…

I’m talking about when you mentally tune out uncomfortable truths you’re not ready to take action on.

Things like…

  • How every time you stand up, you have to shuffle for a few steps because your back and hips hurt…
  • Your pants being a little harder to zip up than they were a few months ago…
  • The way you feel out of breath after climbing a flight or two of stairs…
  • How you feel exhausted because you’re caught in a cycle of eating processed foods…

Putting those things on “mute” makes it easier to ignore them.

But doing that doesn’t get rid of the problems.

It just delays dealing with them.

But that’s not the worst of it.

It makes you MISS out on opportunities to enjoy life because you start to limit your choices.

Like not going for a walk on a beautiful day because you don’t have the energy or because your knee hurts…

or avoiding the beach because of two words: bathing suit.

If you’re ready to turn the volume back on in your life — in a way that feels safe, supported, and (best of all) personalized for YOU…

Book a call with me HERE

Committed to your Success,

Lyonel Lumarque