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Happy Clients

I have changed my outlook on life – Curt Conway

By November 6, 2018April 17th, 2019No Comments

My name is Curt Conway, I read Lyonel’s ad on Facebook and came in for a consultation. It wasn’t good news. My body was full of visceral fat.. hard and compacted around my organs. A literal death threat. Lyonel convinced me to take a chance on myself.. he claimed I was a star waiting to be reignighted.

I finished the 6 week challenge 3 weeks ago.. I am sore.. Hurt all over and can’t stop now.. The looks I am getting at work are priceless! I have changed my outlook on life.. Walking proud.. with a touch of swag.. I will be posting pics soon but I am shooting to meet a personal goal and want to show off with a real transformation.. I will get there!