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Lyonel’s Message was Sobering – Curt Conway

By July 16, 2018April 13th, 2019No Comments

I responded to Lyonel’s CHALLENGE offer thinking a quick 6 week tune-up would get me over the edge. Lyonel’s message was sobering ..

I was stiff as a board – no flexibility – no strength and absolutely no endurance. My “fat loss” was an illusion … visceral fat build up had over whelmed my body. My stomach was almost the size of my chest – protruding like a drunken sailors – Hard as a Rock ..

Lyonel’s assessment: “Curt, this could kill you at ANY moment.”
Needles to say, I told him I couldn’t afford the classes ..
He said, I couldn’t afford NOT to take them.
He said, “You came here for a REASON”
Somehow, things worked out.

Today, I just finished my 2nd six week CHALLENGE .. Down 3″ in my belly, Gained 10 lbs of muscle, Vastly increased flexibility and energy levels along with a level of muscularity that is amazing my friends, family and best of all, myself ..

Note: Not everyone finishes this Challenge .. They’re either too “busy” or too tired .. ALL EXCUSES .. IT’S ALL UP TO YOU!