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Meal prep time savers

By February 15, 2023No Comments

6 Meal Prep Time & Money Saving Tips:

  1. Keep it simple. Don’t expect to become a meal prep pro overnight.
    Pick ONE meal that gives you the most stress – like lunch – and start making those meals ahead of time. Once you get into a routine with lunch, you can branch out into other meals.
  2. Double up on your meals. I’ve mentioned this one before but that’s because it’s so easy. Just make extra when you cook dinner! It can easily turn into tomorrow’s lunch or dinner.
  3. Have a game plan. If you are planning to cook a few different dishes at the same time, read all of the recipes through, create a plan, and do as much chopping/rinsing/pre-prep ahead of time as possible. 

    This will help keep you organized, allow you to clean up as you go (a huge time-saver), AND chances are… you’ll actually enjoy making your meal!
  4. Cook up bigger batches of protein-rich foods. This saves time and money. Think about it: it takes just as long to cook up 2 lbs worth of turkey burgers as it does 1 lb, and buying in bulk usually results in a lower per-pound cost!
  5. Use your rice cooker and/or slow cooker. Both are inexpensive “set it and forget it” cookers that will save time and effort – and they both make delicious food!
  6. Make it fun. Listen to your favorite music or podcast, or download an audiobook to keep you company while you get busy in the kitchen.

Those tips should help make your next meal prep session a breeze. 

Have questions about your health/fitness goals? Grab a time on my calendar to chat for just 15 minutes so I can walk you through our step-by-step approach and answer any questions in real time. Set up a time HERE.

Committed to your success,

Lyonel Lumarque