Happy Clients Lyonel motivates and transforms his clients both physically and mentally – Tania Farach – PorroLyonel motivates and transforms his clients both physically and mentally. He is the coach that…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 29, 2017
Back PainHappy Clients Lyonel is the most patient and caring trainer I’ve ever worked with – Sara AlamehLyonel is the most patient and caring trainer I've ever worked with. He's helped me…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 29, 2017
Happy Clients Lyonel is one of a kind – Sherry OrtegaLyonel is one of a kind. He sees the potential and knows what his clients…Lyonel LumarqueMarch 29, 2017
Happy Clients If you want to see results, then come see Lyonel – Nawal SibaiLyonel has to be one of the most positive and knowledgeable trainers that I have…Lyonel LumarqueApril 5, 2016
Happy Clients “EUREKA” MOMENTS – Peter MacNamaraLast night I established a new personal record of 100 push ups during our workout.…oscarMarch 26, 2016
Happy Clients Lyonel has an uncanny ability to read people, knows what drives them, sees their potential even when they don’t see it themselves – Joey AkanaYears ago Lyonel and I worked together as business associates, and also trained in the…Lyonel LumarqueApril 17, 2013
Happy Clients I’ve lost 26lbs and I’m down 4 belt loops in less than 3 months! – Sean KickerHaving met Lyonel has been such a blessing in my life! With his help and guidance…Lyonel LumarqueDecember 17, 2012