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Staying on-track – how will this make you feel in January

By December 3, 2020No Comments

EVERY TIME you are faced with a temptation that will pull you off track with your health and fitness goals, ask yourself:

How will this make you feel tomorrow?

At some point this month you’re going to be tempted to put your goals on hold. 


It’s SO MUCH EASIER to stay on-track than it is to get BACK on track. 

I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. 

I have never met a person who was happy about retracing their steps.

This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your holiday favorites – just be intentional about it.

→ Skip the grocery store cookie and have an apple or some nuts instead. But definitely enjoy your family’s “secret recipe” holiday treats and traditions!

→ If you don’t have time for your normal workout, do a quick 10-minute routine. Doing some squats and push-ups (or whatever exercises you choose) before your morning shower will go a long way toward keeping up your healthy habits.

→ Keep up with your sleep and self-care routines. This will help you avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed!

→ Block off some intentional time to unplug, relax, and refocus. 

Personally, I want to start 2021 feeling energized and plan on making it an amazing year. I hope you join me!

You can do this!! 

Lyonel Lumarque

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