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This Choice Will Change Your Life

By September 5, 2023No Comments

šŸŽÆWhat if tomorrow morning, you woke up and chose to live as the most powerful version of yourself?

As someone with a clear vision for what they want, a strong belief in their ability to take action, and the desire (and drive!) to bring it to life!

Take a second to soak that in.

Then ask yourself:

  • How would you live your day?
  • What would you turn your attention to?
  • What would you decide NOT to focus on?
  • What would be the TOP 5 actions you would take?

And the biggest question of allā€¦ What would your self-talk sound like?

To me, living a powerful life means that you are ready ā€“ and willing! ā€“ take responsibility for your lifeā€¦

ā€¦ and (re)create it, in a way that serves you, your goals, your beliefs, and your lifeā€™s mission.

How empowering is THAT?

Soā€¦ what will tomorrow look like for you? 

Remember, the most powerful version of yourself isn’t a distant aspiration. It’s inside you, waiting to be unleashed!

If youā€™re ready to take the leap to a healthier and fitter you, LyonStrong is here to guide you.

Itā€™s specifically designed to help you become the badass you always envisioned yourself to be.

Want to learn more? Click here to book a free discovery call.

Make it a great day,

Lyonel Lumarque