


Your thoughts are super important because you have thousands and thousands of them every single day, playing a role in your mindset, your productivity, and your self-image.

In fact, your brain cranks out between 6,000 (according to a study in Nature) and 70,000 (according to the Cleveland Clinic) thoughts every single day.

That’s a LOT of thoughts. And the wild thing is, most of them run on autopilot. Now imagine if even a FRACTION of those thoughts is negative.

That means you’re facing a daily barrage of messages telling you that you’re not going to succeed, that you don’t measure up, that you’re not good enough, and on and on it goes.

AND… if you’re like most people, you’ve been hearing those messages for so long that you don’t even notice them anymore. They just become the “background noise” in your brain.

How TRAGIC is that? In the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer: Change your thoughts, change your life. So here’s a reminder to start tuning into what’s going on inside your head…

And begin to replace any negative thoughts whenever you become aware of them.

Your motivation and mindset will send you a HUGE thank you — and you’ll gradually start to feel more empowered, more content, and more focused… one thought at a time!

Committed to your success,

Lyonel Lumarque


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