The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing!
That means in order to reach your goal, you have to keep circling back to the MAIN THING – the workouts, or clean eating, or whatever else you’ve chosen as your resolution.
It’s human nature to want to jazz things up – to want to do things “better,” “more,” or “optimized.”
And that can be great – as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the MAIN THING, which in this case is the workout.
If you’re struggling to focus or get started, a coach is a HUGE help – and at LyonStrong, we keep you focused on the exact actions that will help you become pain free and feeling great.
Want to learn how we’ve helped others do it? Click the link to schedule a call with me: https://joinlyonstrong.as.me/p…
Let’s get FOCUSED – and put that “main thing” on repeat!
Make it an amazing day,
Lyonel Lumarque