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What’s your score on this quiz?

By August 25, 2022No Comments

How to take this quiz: Think about your past week, then answer the questions based on your actions (vs. your intentions!), and keep track of your “score” as you go.

Over the past 7 days, how many days did you:

1. Work out for 20+ minutes

1 – 0-1 days

2 – 2 days

3 – 3 days

4 – 4 days

5 – 5+ days

2. Get 7+ hours of sleep

1 – 0-1 days

2 – 2 days

3 – 3 days

4 – 4 days

5 – 5+ days

3. Drink at least 8+ glasses of water

1 – 0-1 days

2 – 2 days

3 – 3 days

4 – 4 days

5 – 5+ days

4. Eat fruit and/or veggies at every meal

1 – 0-1 days

2 – 2 days

3 – 3 days

4 – 4 days

5 – 5+ days

5. Avoid sugary, fried, and/or salty food

1 – 0-1 days

2 – 2 days

3 – 3 days

4 – 4 days

5 – 5+ days

6. Work on self-development or journaled

1 – 0-1 days

2 – 2 days

3 – 3 days

4 – 4 days

5 – 5+ days

Now … tally up that score! How did you do? (NOTE: There is no failure on this quiz – it’s all about making progress.)

25-30 points – AWESOME! You’re on fire with your healthy habits. Keep on crushing it!

19-24 points – Nice work … but it might be time to look at 1-2 of your habits to see if they need adjusting so you don’t lose any of the progress you’ve made.

Less than 18 points – It’s time to do some self-reflection and brainstorming. What’s important to you right now? Do you need a new goal to get excited about? 

No matter what your score is, at LyonStrong we can help you take the next step. 

Whether it’s going after a big new goal … doing some troubleshooting … finding a new approach to your fitness … or embarking on a brand-new fitness journey … we work with our clients to find the right approach to help them create lasting results.

Make it an amazing day,

Lyonel Lumarque